It Runs In The Family

About Us

Owner and her mother wearing aprons, smiling

I learned to bake from my mom. When I was young she participated in huge cookie exchanges. We baked enough chocolate chip cookies to feed an army, then divided them and traded for others. I loved when she’d come home with plates overflowing with different cookies with different legacies to them. Each recipe was like sharing a story of it’s baker, and so that’s how I’ve always approached baking- as a thing to share love and pieces of ourselves. My mom’s baking story continues with me, and my two boys.

Little boy in baking apron and hat, looking through a star cookie cutter

Why the Laughing Oak?

The name of the bakery came from what we named our home when we bought it over a decade ago. A friend of ours had a lovely title for her home, “The House of White Pines”, and my husband wanted to give our new home a name as well. But we’re a silly lot, my family, and decided something more down in the dirt fit us better. So, our home was dubbed the Laughing Oak Inn- for our family’s love of both laughter and hosting our people in our kitchen.

And so- The Laughing Oak Bakery!

It Takes A Village

It was my mom who inspired me, and my dad who helped make it real- literally, he helped me build my kitchen! In fact, it took my entire community to bring my bakery into reality. Friends and family assisted in renovating and equipping our kitchen to what I needed, both in labor and financial support. The end result was a living I have passion for, that helped provide for us, and let me be a stay at home parent for my kids.

From my entire family, thank you for your support!

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